
Great Compassion Bodhi Association is a California based dharma center established in March 2009. Great Compassion Bodhi offers weekly dharma discourse-listening services free of charge to the general public. Participants will listen to recorded Buddha dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. At the end of every session Jiangjia Rinpoche offers his support and expertise to all attendees. Jiangjia Rinpoche will also be available for questions before each session.

Great Compassion Bodhi Association welcome and encourage individuals of all ages to actively participate in the perfection of oneself to attain wisdom and good fortune and sharing those benefits from learning Buddhism with the world.

Regular dharma discourse-listening sessions are held every Saturday evening at 7:30pm.

For more information, please contact: Mei Chan, Dharma Discourse-listening Sessions Master, Great Compassion Bodhi Association, Address: 5424 E. Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90022, Phone: (626) 203-9402, Email: dabeiputi@gmail.com.